OK we can sleep at night again because someone has study why the Happy Face emoji is yellow… [van id=”health/2017/06/29/colorscope-yellow-cnnhealth.cnn”]… MORE
OK we can sleep at night again because someone has study why the Happy Face emoji is yellow… [van id=”health/2017/06/29/colorscope-yellow-cnnhealth.cnn”]… MORE
Eric talks “Modern Family” and what he likes about KC….… MORE
OK where did those 20 years go? Time to go back and re-read the first installment of the series. What spell can give us some time back? [van id=”living/2017/06/26/harry-potter-20-anniversary-emarticke-orig.cnn”]… MORE
We don’t know how this girl got into this situation, but thank heavens some quick thinking people on the ground were there to save her! [van id=”van/batchfeed/2017/06/25/viralhog_f9e0f4d0-59bd-11e7-82a3-d97784282da9″]… MORE
OK get ready to be freaked out at the sounds this guy makes on the machine created to add the scary acoustic music to horror films. [van id=”van/sc/2017/06/22/greatbigstory_1668d7383ff77c06bb2b86845b4897ef”]… MORE
Looks like Tamba has talent behind the microphone too…Check out his new Summer release…not bad!… MORE
Daniel Day-Lewis is hanging up the acting chops. He says he will no longer be working as an actor. Wow….with three Best Actor Academy Awards (the only guy to do it), he’ll appear in one last film “Phantom Thread” premiering later this year. He says it’s a private decision and will not make any further…… MORE
Jonah Hill drops the pounds and people are going internet crazy over it. Let me see if I can discover his secret as I lop down another Starbucks thing with whipped cream on top. [van id=”entertainment/2017/06/20/jonah-hill-weight-loss-orig-vstop.cnn”]… MORE
Stephen Hurst who played the role of Flounder in Animal House passed away on Friday at the age of 63. [van id=”entertainment/2017/06/18/stephen-furst-animal-house-25th-anniversary-bts.cnn”]… MORE
LA sends up a tribute to Adam Batman West on the side of city hall. I was hoping for more music to back it up but still impressive. [van id=”van/batchfeed/2017/06/16/storyful_1b305e00-5252-11e7-82a3-d97784282da9″]… MORE